Otrdiena, 17. Maijs 2005, 13:30
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Poll #7035 Mērķis...
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Pozīcija padarīšanā ko sauc pa dzīvi - laikam:D

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Būt laimīgam
5 (71.4%)

Darīt citus laimīgus
2 (28.6%)

Otrdiena, 17. Maijs 2005, 14:01

Paid and Permanent accounts using S2 (http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=168) can customize their journal comment pages to match their journal layout. You may follow a link from your Friends page to see differently-customized comment pages.

If you don't want to see the customized comment pages, go to http://www.livejournal.com/editinfo.bml and select the "View comment pages in your journal style?" option. This option adds "style=mine" to the URLs of comment pages linked to from your friends page, causing other users' comment pages to be displayed in your chosen site scheme (http://www.livejournal.com/manage/siteopts.bml). (S2 users who opt to use the "new style" comment pages will see the comment pages of others displayed in their own journal style.)

Even if you do not wish to use this new option, you can append "?style=mine" to the URL of a comment page at any time so it does the same thing. (Note that if the URL already has an argument attached to it, such as "?mode=reply" or "?nc=," then you will need to change "?style=mine" to "&style=mine.")"

Un tas man, lai pati varu nākamreiz atrast... d'oh, es stundu toreiz noķēpājos, lai secinātu, ka ?nc= un ?s2id= nekādi nav kombinējams..... a tas, ka ir arī tāds &. Nu D'oh.

Īsi sakot ( ja negribi čakarāties pa s2 modificēšanu un pielikt, lai visi linki tavā friendlistē ved uz tavu stilu),tad: nokopē linku, galā borwsera address bār pieraksti ?style=mine vai &style=mine vai ?s2id=XXXX (XXXX - cipars, kuru vēlies, laikam jau tikai savi stili der. manējie pašreizējie ir 8395 komentāriem un 8394 kā parastais)