Skabičevskis ([info]begemots) wrote on February 13th, 2023 at 03:20 pm
Oh, it depends on what you call truth.

In the past 100 or so years the knowledge side has tried to move away from declaring it knows truth to saying more that "we have a model of reality that corresponds more and more to whatever we experience when we try things out". There is no definitive truth in knowledge in principle, but there are things that seem to work, things that turn out to not work or work for apparently different reasons, etc.

But it's a long process, and the fact that so many things now rely on knowledge and especially science, makes many people claim they're true. Insofar as they work, they are. But they are all approximations.

Belief is belief. You can have rational discussions about knowledge and change your mind. Beliefs are important, because they can't be changed by knowing something. 🤷‍♂️
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