([info]methodrone) wrote on February 3rd, 2021 at 03:26 pm
Jā, šis man ļoti atgādina A Course in Miracles.. cik es zinu no Marianne Williamsone, kas par viņu vienmēr runā. Ka our authentic self is love as God is love, and he made us, so anything else we think/say/do is not part of our authentic self. So essentially, whenever we do not embody love in our being/doing/thinking/saying we are basically lying. And we do that to protect us, because we have lost the understnading that we are not really in danger, danger only appears as we lose the sight of love.

Bet to, protams, ir tik grūti saskatīt pasaulē un pašu dzīvēs, there are layers and layers and layers of muddledness. We can only see truth through love, but love is oh so quiet, so it requires deep focus and listening, which is hard in this world.

Tāpēc katra krīze ir aicinājums/iespēja atkal uzmeklēt šo kluso patiesību un savu autentiskumu.
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