Skabičevskis ([info]begemots) wrote on November 2nd, 2018 at 09:23 pm
Man tā intervija šķita pavisam normāla. Pītersonu, protams, var žēlot, bet, manuprāt, vērts atcerēties, ka viņš pats šo ceļu izvēlējies.

Savukārt viņa sājos jociņus un pasīvo agresiju es laikam neievēroju, toties ievēroju, ka, kā dažās citās intervijās, Pītersons novēršas no pagātnes iztirzāšanas.

Proti, viņš tā arī nekādā veidā neatbildēja uz GQ jautājumu par to, kā uztvert apstākli, ka vēsturiski sievietēm vēl nesen nebija daudzu legal rights. Protams, jautājums bija uzdots citādāk, taču es priecātos, ja viņš spētu uz to atbildēt vismaz šādā veidā.

Visā visumā man JBP ļoti patīk un es uzskatu, ka viņa viedokļi, as far as I have heard them, ir pavisam saprātīgi. Tāpat es neesmu dzirdējis un lasījis vēl nevienu(!), kas spētu viņam kaut cik saprātīgi oponēt.

Kas savā ziņā žēl, jo man ir antipātijas pret pārdabiski pareiziem viedokļiem.

Taču uz doto brīdi man ir sakrājušies daži precizējoši jautājumi, ko labprāt viņam uzdotu, ja man būtu laika vai nu tos uzdot, vai pameklēt atbildes pašam:

1) an insignificant, but nagging question. Speaking about the bloody lobsters (not again). Are we talking about serotonin mechanisms that exist in lobsters NOW, or are we REALLY talking about that scientists have made sure that lobsters HAD them 3.5 billion years ago? There is plenty of convergent evolution around, after all and I am not at all sure, if we have had plenty of fossils of 3.5B year old species. A minor point in any case, but still.

2) the fact that hierarchies get corrupted is stated by JBP. It would be interesting to know, if he has any ideas of how to reduce the corruption of hierarchies of today, instead of just mentioning the fact and moving on to his marxist conspiracies.

3) from the GQ interview. Assuming we accept JBP view that what has been happening throughout human history is not a tyrannical patriarchy (which I am quite prepared to concede), in what light should we consider the fact that legal rights for women *were* different as that of men for most of the written history at least? I have my own thoughts about that, but really I should like to learn what conclusions has he come to.
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