([info]methodrone) wrote on June 19th, 2018 at 10:06 pm
Pilnīgi noteikti, jo es to rakstīju metafiziski, bet es varu iedomāties, kā tu to izlasīji. As in people do not need to live up to an expectation that they have to prove their inherent worth, that they constantly need to strive to find it in them and prove it. Rather they can rest assured that every little thing they do with love is infinitely worthy. Vēl es to domāju tā, ka human is a vehicle to shift infinitely massive amounts of worthiness, therefore they should be hopeful and again rest assured that they are basically not some defined, measurable morsel of defined "worth", but rather a channel through which worth manifests. Būtībā cilvēks ir tukšs, un to tukšumu cilvēki jūt. Bet ja viņiem saka, ka viņos iekšā jābūt kaut kādam worth identity, un if they struggle to find it and prove it, tad viņiem sākas neirozes, they become anxious and depressed. But if they see themselves as a channel between source of infinite worth potential that is love, and its manifestation through their being, tad I think they can relaxxx and get to work lightheartedly.
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