briinumcepuminjsh ([info]french_mime) wrote on October 3rd, 2016 at 03:38 pm
Viņš basically vizitēja mums te universitātes meditācijas grupiņu un stāstīja par budistu izpratni par psiholoģiju, ka ir two aspects of the mind, one is stability the other one is clarity. And one is frequently compromised by the other, because when you tend to have momentary clarity (like when you're constantly being distracted by something new), your stability of mind is compromised but when you have stability (like when you are sleepy or tired or depressed), your clarity tends to be compromised. There are states when clarity and stability can co-exist (like in anger) but anger is not pleasant, but you can also achieve stability and clarity via persistent and structured samatha meditation practice. Viņš teica, ka jo vairāk iet tajā meditācijas procesā, tu sāc izjust ne tikai prāta baudu, bet arī fizisku baudu. Bet tur viņš arī stāstīja par visādiem obstacles, kurus tu encountero katrā šīs meditācijas posmā from beginner to novice to expert. Es izvērsīšu cibas ierakstā kkad.
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