24 July 2023 @ 12:31 pm
Oh jubly, on Woman's Hour ir vesela sekcija par narcissistic mothers triggering all sorts of sweet memories..

'“There was a horrific, horrific phone call,” says Louise. “My husband could tell that I was getting agitated so he put it on loudspeaker so he could listen in. She just started questioning why I was with him, saying I'd rushed into having a family, I wasn't doing the right thing. My husband could hear all of this. He just ended up picking up the handset and giving a ‘What for?’ down the phone, then slamming the phone down.

“He just said, ‘That’s not what a mother does. That’s not what a caring mother, new grandmother does.’ He called her out on it, and they did have a difficult relationship as a result because every time she's called out or was called out, it never went well. She couldn’t take it on board, she couldn’t reflect. It was us being vicious and nasty and manipulative.'

Līdz šim es domāju ka psihopāti ir utimate villains, bet tagad man šķiet ka varbūt tie drīzāk ir narcisisti. Jo lai arī psihopāti var būt narcissisti, oftentimes they don't give a damn what others think of them so they just calmly carry on, kamēr narcissisti is what it is.

So far it is looking severely warped:

- A narcissist is someone who has an unreasonably high sense of self-importance and seeks attention and admiration, while often ignoring the feelings of others.
- ‘From what I've learned about narcissists, they try to separate their herd, their children, away from other people. And they'll say everything negative about everyone else, because they want to keep them close. They want to keep them on their team, on their side, like it's a war.
- They would bad-mouth others and destroy people verbally.
- Harsh outbursts, afer which they would resume life as normal, as if nothing happened.
- When called out they would not let it go but seek revenge either verbal or in real life actions, to specifically make their victim suffer the consequences of their hurt ego.
- Extremely volatile, and EVERYTHING is someone else's fault - narcissist can do nothing wrong. Particularly this affects young children whose parents are narcissists.
- Silent treatment, inability to communicate in an authentic, reciprocal way, inability to reflect, zero empathy.

Honestly, what makes such human beings? It is like a sticky satan mode that cilngs to it's benevolent victims, until they are reduced and degraded in a similar way, like some sort of terrible nature's display of emotional parasitism.