- 3rd
- 11:07 pm: 199. Rescue mission
- 20th
- 10:03 pm: 205. Changes - 8 comments
- 22nd
- 12:57 am: 206. Breaking dawn - 6 comments
12:55 pm: 207. Nu ko... - 3 comments
- 23rd
- 06:48 pm: 208. HA!
- 24th
- 10:15 am: 209. Winter Wonderland - 3 comments
05:47 pm: 210. *Giggle*
08:44 pm: 211. Nu bāc! - 3 comments
- 25th
- 02:06 pm: 212. Books'n'films - 3 comments
- 26th
- 05:16 pm: 213. Hello, I'm an idiot ^^ but you already know that -_-
08:34 pm: 214. d^_^b
- 27th
- 01:36 pm: 215. Bummer
08:31 pm: 216. Cutting and fighting
- 29th
- 08:05 pm: 217. Bones
headphones on, world off - November 2008