Zane ([info]mazaa_maasa) wrote on November 26th, 2008 at 05:16 pm
213. Hello, I'm an idiot ^^ but you already know that -_-
May I please rip my heart out?
I don't really want to start whining about someone who's an actor, twice my age, married and has a kid and lives in the US... or at least I think he lives there...
I feel so pathetic, moronic, stupid, miserable and so on... AND I don't feel like I'm 20... I should be 12 to still dream about actors x_x
I wonder how I never noticed him before I read the Twilight saga... although he has nothing to do with it... but he never bothered me before...

ARGHGAWD!!!!!!!!!!!! hate my self... seriously -_-
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