Ceturtdiena, 24. Maijs 2007, 16:11

Šis ir krosposts no glupais.info. Komentēt vari gan šeit, gan tur

Pusi karaļvalsts un princesi par sievu tam, kurš uz Windows Desktopa uztaisīs folderi “CON”!!! :)


Ceturtdiena, 24. Maijs 2007, 17:34

hey all

here is an amazing trick.

you know that we cant create a folder named CON, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3,COM1 to COM9 and LPT1 to LPT9....

in any of the windows operating system.

try with this.

but here is the master mind....................

i found one method to create the folders with these reserverd system names.

here is the solution to create the folder named con and other system variables.

1) go to run dialog.
2) type cmd/command (command prompt gets opened)
3) go to root directory like C:\ or D:\ etc
4) type md\\.\\c:\\con ....(here is done)
5) check the folder on the respected drive.


Ceturtdiena, 24. Maijs 2007, 17:37

Kruta :)

Piektdiena, 25. Maijs 2007, 11:38

Uztaisiit tad var, bet izdzeest nevar :)