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Tuesday, October 21st, 2003

Time:2:53 pm.
Music:Skin - Faithfulness.
Sēžot pie sava lielā loga šaipusē, skatoties ārā uz sauli, liekas ārā silts, pieliekot plaukstas logam, var just aukstumu, bet ilūzija tomēr paliek. Skaidrajā naktī ir pat redzamas arī zvaigznes, bet tas jau neko nenozīmē. Viņpuslogam ir auksti, tik ļoti, ka cilvēki skrien satinušies savos mēteļos un jakās, šallēs un cepurēs nepamana, ka izskrien tālu aiz laika robežas, tie nodod aukstumu.
Laiks pats sevi sāks lēnām nodot, parādīsies atkal lietus - drīz arī sniegs. Tad nevarēs slēpt savu grūtsirdības pilno vaigu, bet vai arī tas ir vajadzīgs ? Mēs cilvēki jau pārāk daudz to darām - slēpjam sevi, laiks to nedara, tikai skatās mums acīs un vēsta, ko domā - patiesību. Bet tomēr vēl daži spēj saglabāt ilūziju.. priekš kam?
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Time:9:24 pm.
Music:Skin - Lost Without You.
Šodien nav labi, pavisam nav labi. Izsviedu jau divas krūzes no rokām , nav spēka pavisam.
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Subject:pds [info]malformation
Time:10:03 pm.
You are Form 7, Gryphon: The Wyrm.

"And The Gryphon displaced the balance of
the world in his favor. With grace and
control, Gryphon deceived mankind and ruled
over civillization. But even he realized that
all good things must come to an end."

Some examples of the Gryphon Form are Satan
(Christian) and Baphomet (Assyrian).
The Gryphon is associated with the concept of
control, the number 7, and the element of wind.
His sign is the gibbous moon.

As a member of Form 7, you are a very in control
individual. You maintain your coolness in most
situations and always seem to be prepared.
Though some may say you are a bit of a control
freak, you know that you really do make the
best leader even if others can't see it.
Gryphons are the best friends to have because
they have a positive influence on people.

Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
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