Mīļās muļķībiņas - Vecs joks kaut kāds :]]

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Janvāris 28., 2008

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22:34 - Vecs joks kaut kāds :]]
This joke was written by a black guy in Texas and is so funny. What a great sense of humor and creativity!

When I born, I black,
When I grow up, I black,
When I go in sun, I black,
When I get cold, I black,
When I scared, I black,
When I sick, I black,
And when I die, I still black.

You white folks...
When you born, you pink,
When you grow up, you white,
When you go in sun, you red,
When you cold, you blue,
When you scared, you yellow,
When you sick, you green,
When you bruised, you purple,
And when you die, you gray,
So who you calling colored, folks?


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