Marts 12., 2006
09:58 - :DDD Patīk man lasīt anekdotes, par kurām var just, ka tās ir jaunas, aktuālas, tapušas salīdzinoši nesen, jo vēl pirms kāda laika tā nemaz nebūtu anekdote! :D
No Sestdienas:
Satiekas lācis, lauva un gailis. Lācis lielās: - Pietiek man vienreiz norēkties, un viss mežs ieklausās! Lauva: - Kas tur liels? Pietiek man uzrēkt, un visa savanna nodreb! Gailis: - Khe, khe... Pietiek man vienreiz ieklepoties, un visa pasaule šausmās sastingst!
;D Garastāvoklis:: cheerful
10:53 - Spamiņš.... 8]]
Your Birthdate: February 12 |  You're a dynamic, charismatic person who's possibly headed for fame. You tend to charm strangers easily. And you usually can get what you want from them. Verbally talented, you tend to persuade people with your speaking and writing. You are affectionate and loving, but it's hard for you to commit to any one relationship.
Your strength: Your charm
Your weakness: Your extreme manipulation tactics
Your power color: Indigo
Your power symbol: Four leaf clover
Your power month: December |