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Mar. 4th, 2006 | 07:42 pm
What Lord of the Rings Character are you?
The power of the King is in your blood. You have strayed away from your destiny but are finally returning. You think about others before yourself.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
(no subject)
from: little_black
date: Mar. 4th, 2006 - 08:44 pm
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(no subject)
from: psihs
date: Mar. 4th, 2006 - 08:50 pm
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(no subject)
from: little_black
date: Mar. 4th, 2006 - 08:55 pm
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(no subject)
from: psihs
date: Mar. 4th, 2006 - 08:56 pm
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