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Feb. 17th, 2006 | 06:57 pm
You scored as Mushrooms. Shrooms! You're still goin for one of the most natural drugs. You'd like to visit a whole other world, and see things you've never seen before. Fucking trippy.
What's your ideal drug? created with QuizFarm.com |
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from: little_black
date: Feb. 17th, 2006 - 09:06 pm
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from: psihs
date: Feb. 17th, 2006 - 09:15 pm
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from: little_black
date: Feb. 17th, 2006 - 09:24 pm
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from: psihs
date: Feb. 17th, 2006 - 09:26 pm
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from: little_black
date: Feb. 17th, 2006 - 09:24 pm
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from: psihs
date: Feb. 17th, 2006 - 09:27 pm
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from: little_black
date: Feb. 17th, 2006 - 09:32 pm
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(no subject)
from: psihs
date: Feb. 17th, 2006 - 09:33 pm
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from: little_black
date: Feb. 17th, 2006 - 09:37 pm
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from: psihs
date: Feb. 17th, 2006 - 09:38 pm
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from: little_black
date: Feb. 17th, 2006 - 09:43 pm
1)tas ir labi
2)tas ir slikti
3)man vienalga
4)tu atkal muldi
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(no subject)
from: psihs
date: Feb. 17th, 2006 - 09:47 pm
3)man vienalga - varbūt
4)tu atkal muldi - jo tās sievietes ir mani žurnāli
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from: little_black
date: Feb. 17th, 2006 - 09:49 pm
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from: psihs
date: Feb. 17th, 2006 - 09:52 pm
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from: little_black
date: Feb. 17th, 2006 - 09:59 pm
drīz jau varēsi arī mēģināt manu otro žurnālu atkost, he he
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(no subject)
from: psihs
date: Feb. 17th, 2006 - 10:04 pm
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(no subject)
from: little_black
date: Feb. 17th, 2006 - 10:09 pm
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from: psihs
date: Feb. 17th, 2006 - 10:13 pm
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from: little_black
date: Feb. 17th, 2006 - 10:15 pm
bet atliksim buršanos uz citu dienu, jo tagad mans iet guleet........
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from: psihs
date: Feb. 17th, 2006 - 10:17 pm
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