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Jan. 26th, 2006 | 09:06 pm
garīgais: bikinj dusmiigs!

nu psihais,
bez manas piekrišanas nepublicēt bildes!

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Comments {19}


(no subject)

from: [info]psihs
date: Jan. 26th, 2006 - 09:40 pm

a ko man citu darīt, pirkt jaunu matraci pa pēdējo naudu

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(no subject)

from: [info]little_black
date: Jan. 26th, 2006 - 09:44 pm

man vnk liekas, ka nevar izmazgaat matraci :(

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(no subject)

from: [info]psihs
date: Jan. 26th, 2006 - 09:46 pm

nu tad jāguļu uz apmīzta, vēlviens iemesls lai ienīstu kaķus ;D

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(no subject)

from: [info]little_black
date: Jan. 26th, 2006 - 09:48 pm

mjau mjau mjau

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(no subject)

from: [info]psihs
date: Jan. 26th, 2006 - 09:50 pm

**** *** **** ** *** !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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(no subject)

from: [info]little_black
date: Jan. 26th, 2006 - 09:54 pm

A pill to make you numb
A pill to make you dumb..
A pill to make you anybody else

But all the drugs in this world
Won’t save YOU from YOUrself

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(no subject)

from: [info]psihs
date: Jan. 26th, 2006 - 09:55 pm

jā jā baltā koma, neglābs neviens mani no tiem kaķiem

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(no subject)

from: [info]little_black
date: Jan. 26th, 2006 - 09:59 pm

double mjauuuu

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(no subject)

from: [info]psihs
date: Jan. 26th, 2006 - 10:05 pm

esmu uzkurinājis līdz +28, normāli ne

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(no subject)

from: [info]little_black
date: Jan. 26th, 2006 - 10:07 pm

vot maita ;P
man labi ja maajaas te +20..brrrr
jaaiet guleet

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(no subject)

from: [info]psihs
date: Jan. 26th, 2006 - 10:08 pm

nu davai, lai tie minkas tikai tavos sapņos rādās

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