trying to escape

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Jan. 21st, 2006 | 06:45 pm
garīgais: apjucis
skan: pv

Please come now
 I think I’m falling
 I’m holding on to all I think is safe
 It seems I found the road
 to nowhere
 And I’m trying to escape
 I yelled back when I heard
 But I’m down to one last breath...
 And with it let me say,
 Let me say:

Hold me now
I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking
That maybe six feet
Ain't so far down....

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Comments {37}


(no subject)

from: [info]little_black
date: Jan. 22nd, 2006 - 01:13 pm

a tu domaa kautko dariit lietas labaa vai tev pofig??

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(no subject)

from: [info]psihs
date: Jan. 22nd, 2006 - 01:14 pm

ko tad es varētu darīt, iespraust slotu degunā?

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(no subject)

from: [info]little_black
date: Jan. 22nd, 2006 - 01:20 pm

gruuti ar tevi
nevajag jau uzreiz paarspiileet :/

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(no subject)

from: [info]psihs
date: Jan. 22nd, 2006 - 01:21 pm

nu labi, tad nespraudīšu neko, pīpēšu krāsnī

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(no subject)

from: [info]little_black
date: Jan. 22nd, 2006 - 01:28 pm

uzmanies, ka kraasns tevi nesadedzina,
kaa vinja to meeginaaja izdariit ar mani

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(no subject)

from: [info]psihs
date: Jan. 22nd, 2006 - 01:32 pm

jau izlasīju par tiem dūmiem, varbūt beidzot jāmēģina gulēt

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(no subject)

from: [info]little_black
date: Jan. 22nd, 2006 - 01:33 pm

tu veel neesi aizgaajis guleet???

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