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Dec. 27th, 2007 | 08:00 pm

Visnežēlīgākais, ko var izdarīt kādam, pret kuru neko nejūti, ir ļaut turēt Tavu roku, zinot, ko viņam tas nozīmē!

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Comments {8}


(no subject)

from: [info]juriic
date: Dec. 29th, 2007 - 10:07 am

foul women

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(no subject)

from: [info]little_black
date: Dec. 29th, 2007 - 02:22 pm

a ko darīt?

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(no subject)

from: [info]juriic
date: Dec. 29th, 2007 - 03:14 pm

Nu neko jau. Sweet is not so sweet without the sour.

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(no subject)

from: [info]little_black
date: Dec. 29th, 2007 - 03:23 pm

mhm, mhm

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