ha ha ha :D un ja izmainu kaut vienu atbildi, tad sanāk gothic metal :D

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Oct. 6th, 2007 | 05:25 pm

What genre of Metal are you?


Bands like Addiction Crew, Linkin Park, Disturbed, and Cold. Music is: The most popular form of heavy music in the past few years, heavy on melody and image. You are always up on the latest fashions and take great pride in being popular and friendly. Sometimes others look down upon you for trying to be all things to everyone and for generally being very accommodating.

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from: [info]mindbound
date: Oct. 7th, 2007 - 05:50 pm

What genre of Metal are you?

Gothic Metal

Bands like Beseech, Sirenia, Lacuna Coil, and Tiamat. Music is: Typically slower and with lots of atmosphere, the genre also sometimes sports twin vocalists (male and female). You enjoy the finer things in life and love beautiful things that tickle your senses. You are romantic without ever overdoing it, and you love the dark because it brings out your sensual side.

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