20 November 2012 @ 10:13 am
dažas atziņas no grāmatas "Don't bang Latvia" lasīšanai pieejamā ievada:
* Most disappointing at all, foreign men are actually seen as beneath the local men.
* Latvia used to be good, but is now forever ruined thanks to millions of sex tourists who arrived on Ryanair flights from England, Spain, Italy and The Middle East.
* The top-tier Latvian girls are extremely hard to crack, so odds are your Latvian flag will be a 6 or below.
* Its no surprise that both Latvians and Russians despise each other, with most of the hate coming from the Latvian side.
* It takes unnaturally long time to open up without alcohol. In conversations with many Latvian girls it felt like I was talking to rocks. (LOL)
* The weather is brutally cold and dark in the winter and mild in the summer.

un tas viss tikai pirmajās trīs lappusēs. izskatās pēc ļoti interesantas lasāmvielas....
izrādās, amazon.com ir pieejama vēl vesela kaudze ar tā paša autora "Roosh V" grāmatām no sērijas "Bang this Country", bet izskatās, ka pagaidām tikai Latvija un Dānija iekļuvusi "Don't bang" kategorijā.
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François Pignon[info]pinjons on November 20th, 2012 - 12:19 pm
Lai iehevotu nesmukas meitenes viņiem nav obligāti jādodas uz LV. :)
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