Maris Riekstins
Speaking during a visit to London this week, Maris Riekstins, Latvia's foreign minister, suggested it was too soon for conciliatory diplomatic gestures to Moscow, however great the political temptation to pretend everything is alright again. "We need to have dialogue but the question is, is the time right and has Russia fulfilled its obligations [respecting the EU's Georgia peace deal]? We don't really feel they have done enough."
Riekstins said he was confident Nato would defend Latvia and its Baltic neighbours if push came to shove, despite differences of view between "old" and "new" Europe. "The countries of old Europe made a serious commitment when we joined Nato," he said. They would be expected to stick to it. Riekstins said Georgia and Ukraine should be offered Nato membership action plans at the alliance's December meeting even at the risk of provoking Russia. At present Germany and others remain opposed to such a move.
Financial Times:
Elsewhere, the euro has gained allure - but membership still seems some way off. Maris Riekstins, Latvian foreign minister, told the Financial Times this week that joining the eurozone was "not just a matter of economic or financial policy, this is a matter of security policy . . . Being included in that club means more stability and predictability in the markets."
Mr Riekstins admitted, however, there was little scope for the European Union to speed-up his country's entry. Would-be eurozone members have to meet criteria on inflation and public finances - as well as spend two years in "ERM II", the fixed but adjustable exchange rate mechanism that acts as a eurozone waiting room.