Esmu iesaakusi jaunu vingrinaajumu - katru reizi, kad kaads mani nokaitina, es censhos saprast, kaapeec mani notikushais vareetu kaitinaat. Koliidz saprotu, kas ir saknee, uzreiz viss paariet. Piemeeram, saakaam kaut kaa kjiiveeties par to, ka es, redz,, taapat kaa vinja drauga meitene visu laiku iepeerkoties Wallgreens, bet es pilniigi noteikti neiepeerkos tur visu laiku, pietiekoshi biezhi, jaa, bet kur tad veel pirkt tualetes papiiru 4-istabu dziivolim atbilstoshaa daudzumaa? Iisaak sakot, baigi saabizhojaamies viens uz otru par pilniigu stulbumu un rezultaataa ietiepiigi viens ar otru nerunaajaam kaadu pusstundu (lasiit - spiitiigi blenzaam katrs savaa telefonaa). Mani telefons aatri nogarlaikoja un es saaku domaat, kaa situaaciju aatraak nokaartot, lai mees vareetu kaut ko interesantaaku padariit. "Marina, kaapeec tu shobriid tik ljoti sabozusies par taadu siikumu?" jautaaju sev, "Kas tajaa teikumaa tik kaitinoshs?" "Man nepatiik buut saliidzinaatai ar citiem cilveekiem, jo es domaaju, ka es esmu labaaka par vinjiem," kaut kur no zemapzinjas izliida atbilde. Idiote. Protams, ka es neesmu labaaka par citiem. Es neesmu iipashaaka vai kaa taa - tas mans mazais egoistinjsh censtaas izlauzties. Vinjam gandriiz izdevaas!
Mees varam buut atbildiigi tikai pashi par savaam juutaam. Jebkuraa situaacijaa mees izveelamies, kaa mees reagjeesim, ko mees jutiisim. Katru reizi, kad es to sev atgaadinu, es iemaacos kaut ko jaunu par sevi. Gandriiz it kaa pa vienam atsietu mezglus. Nav taa, ka man ego nav vispaar, vinjsh noteikti tur veel lec paari ugunskuram, bet taa vietaa, lai akli sekotu vinja padomiem, es censhos vinju iepaziit un saprast. Iepaziistot savu ego, es saprotu labaak sevi un, godiigi sakot, esmu krietni laimiigaaka. Kaut kaa taa.
Dear Human by Courtney Walsh
Dear Human: You’ve got it all wrong.
You didn’t come here to master unconditional love.
That is where you came from and where you’ll return.
You came here to learn personal love.
Universal love. Messy love. Sweaty love.
Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love.
Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling.
Demonstrated through the beauty of… messing up. Often.
You didn’t come here to be perfect. You already are.
You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous.
And then to rise again into remembering.
But unconditional love? Stop telling that story.
Love, in truth, doesn’t need ANY other adjectives.
It doesn’t require modifiers.
It doesn’t require the condition of perfection.
It only asks that you show up. And do your best.
That you stay present and feel fully.
That you shine and fly and laugh and cry
and hurt and heal and fall and get back up
and play and work and live and die as YOU.
It’s enough. It’s Plenty.