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12:38 am: Spams.
Dažreiz mans prāts pieprasa sev izklaidi - kaut ko, kas novērstu uzmanību no neizbēgamām patiesībām; kaut ko, kas virtuāli attālinātu izeju no meliem, kuros dzīvoju.
Kāpēc es meklēju patiesību? Varbūt pati doma, ka es meklēju patiesību, ir neapzināti meli. Nē. Cilvēkam nekad nevajadzētu šaubīties par sevi, kamēr tam nav pamatoti redzams iemesls. Jo mazāk mēs apšaubam savu intuīciju, jo labāka tā kļūst.
Kāpēc es šo rakstu? Laikam jau tādēļ, lai nepazaudētu to, kas es esmu. Ja cilvēks neapzinās citus cilvēkus, viņš nevar arī īsti apzināties, ka eksistē. Mēs eksistējam, jo mēs redzam savu atspulgu citos.

Current Music: IndyGo - Tēt, tev ne
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[User Picture]
Date:April 10th, 2007 - 12:38 am
nu man liekas, ka tu esi normāli sapisies
Date:April 10th, 2007 - 12:43 am
novērtē sapišanās līmeni no 1 līdz 10, kur 10 apzīmē augstāku un 1 zemāko.
[User Picture]
Date:April 10th, 2007 - 12:51 am
dodu tev 2, tik maz tikai tāpēc, ka 10 jau būtu Budhas stāvoklis
Date:April 10th, 2007 - 01:59 am
Ahh, divas ir tikai nedaudz vairāk par vienu :(
[User Picture]
Date:April 10th, 2007 - 11:41 am
:D Perfekti ;)
[User Picture]
Date:April 10th, 2007 - 12:53 am
labs puksts
[User Picture]
Date:April 10th, 2007 - 01:39 am
Thrust is just a type of lie.
[User Picture]
Date:April 10th, 2007 - 01:40 am
truth, tb, lol :D
Date:April 10th, 2007 - 01:58 am
It's a lie only for those who are wrong ;)

Btw, it's not enough to know the truth, you have to be completely sure that it is the truth.
[User Picture]
Date:April 10th, 2007 - 01:23 pm
But still, it is a type of lie, only the type that you (want?) to believe.
Date:April 10th, 2007 - 01:49 pm
Or the type I have to believe because of all the evidence.

Anyway, the bottom line is that every type of lie is just another type of truth and vice versa.
[User Picture]
Date:April 11th, 2007 - 01:04 am
...the evidence is all fake, a lie, too...

So believe in what you want, it will always be untrue for someone else - therefore - a lie.
Date:April 11th, 2007 - 01:24 am
Real is what is real to me, truth is what is truth to me. A lie is what is a lie to me, so whatever I believe in, truth.

But I have to find truth that's compatible with me, with my inner self.
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