Witch-queen of Angmar [userpic]

November 14th, 2011 (01:32 pm)
ausis glauda: Rosewater – N.M.E.

Solicitor in Pub: We were just talking about the tie murderer, Maisie. You'd better watch out.
Maisie, Barmaid: [salaciously] He *rapes* them first, doesn't he?
Solicitor in Pub: Yes, I believe he does.
Doctor in Pub: Well I suppose it's nice to know that every cloud has a silver lining.

Solicitor in Pub: Let's hope he slips up soon.
Doctor in Pub: In one way I rather hope he doesn't. We haven't had a good juicy series of sex murders since Christie. And they're so good for the tourist trade. Foreigners somehow expect the squares of London to be fog-wreathed, full of hansom cabs and *littered* with ripped whores, don't you think?

(c) Frenzy


Posted by: Witch-queen of Angmar ([info]lenora)
Posted at: November 14th, 2011, 02:26 pm

Man gribētos ticēt, ka visi londonieši ir šitādi nevis kā tās šausmas kas jēgu pārdzērušas klīst pa Rīgas ielām.

Posted by: vilkate ([info]vilkate)
Posted at: November 14th, 2011, 03:06 pm

Nu, tās šausmas jau arī no kaut kurienes nāk...

Bet es atradu mums skatāmfilmu listi!
