Witch-queen of Angmar [userpic]

December 9th, 2008 (03:05 pm)
ausis glauda: Mantra of Avalokiteshvara

Un protams neatkārtojamais Peter Vronsky:

"With some female serial killers you might not find out you are being murdered, until you are dead."

You just get a little too sick and week for your age and the next evening suddenly you can't speak or move and when the night comes you die in the dark in your own snot behind closed door with nothing but the sound of your own congested whimpering to comfort you. It all appears to be of natural causes - nobody will even suspect you were murdered. Two phone calls and three hours later a night shift will lift and wheel your pronounced body away and by morning you will be prepped for embalming. There can be no lonelier way to die than that.

Var just, ka viņš ir žurnālists nevis zinātnieks, tā spēlēt uz nabaga pārbiedēto vīru jūtām, es varu derēt, ka ir tādi, kas pēc šī darba izlasīšanas vairs neēd savu sievu gatavoto ēdienu.


Posted by: Witch-queen of Angmar ([info]lenora)
Posted at: December 9th, 2008, 05:55 pm

Ja par romantiku uzskata tapt noindētam no sievas rokas.

Bet tas vēl ir mēreni "romantiski", šobrīd esmu tikausi līdz Battered Woman Syndrome un to kā jaukā Kirandžit aizdedzina savu guļošo vīru.