12:31 am
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Edward: 'It was a strong, gut feeling on her part that this was terrible. She couldn't stand the thought of seeing people in hospitals with tubes coming out of them. And she was determined never to be in that environment if she could possibly help it. And she and my father-- but really at her initiation-- promised each other that they would help each other. That they would not let each other suffer in old age. And they bought the book, Final Exit, by Derek Humphrey, which talked about this. They were counting on each other.'
Ira Glass: 'And at some point she gets you involved in this, right?'
Edward: 'She got me most involved when my father died. What she asked me to do was to basically, to play the part that my father would have done for her. But he was dead. And I felt it was an obligation to do this for her.'
Noskatījos DMT: The Spirit Molecule un Enter The Void - un jau kuro nakti sapņi tik psihodēliski/nomods gļukains.