20 Oktobris 2010 @ 21:03
Crushed and created or in other words - back to being myself.  
-What if all your questions were answered? Would you be happy then?
-I find it hard to imagine such a - state. A fairly small percentage of my questions have answers.
-But that's rather wonderful, don't you agree?
-No. It wouldn't be scientific to agree.
-You conceive of science as nothing more than answers to questions?
-As a system for generating answers.
-And what is the purpose of that?
-... To know.
-And what will you do with your knowledge?
-... Find out more.
-But why?
-I don't know. It's the way I am.

A conversation between Michael and Sax in Green Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson. Fits into the moment.

Reading on Artificial Intelligence is not only surprisingly interesting, but also fun and Bioinformatics appear to be the same. I think I missed myself more than I thought. This actually is better at times.
Jūtos:: awake
Klausos: Ayreon - Liquid Eternity
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Eiše[info]lea on 21. Oktobris 2010 - 08:25
Well I picked up "Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach" (which is in its essence a quite thorough textbook) to simply find another "valid" source for my English presentation, but after finding the chapters I needed I just couldn't pull myself away.
As for Bioinformatics I'm just going through some internet articles currently.
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