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August 14th, 2010

[Aug. 14th, 2010|07:28 pm]

In the late 1950s far-sighted Isaac Asimov imagined a sunny planet called Solaria, on which a scant 20,000 humans dwelt on far-flung estates and visited one another only virtually, by materializing as “trimensional images”—avatars, in other words. “They live completely apart,” a helpful robot explained to a visiting earthling, “and never see one another except under the most extraordinary circumstances.”

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[Aug. 14th, 2010|08:20 pm]
Aprīlī Stīvens Hokings mūs savā TV seriālā brīdināja par to bļaustīšanos Visumā, pāris mēnešus vēlāk - mūvijs gatavs. Smieklīgi.
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Lolita [Aug. 14th, 2010|10:04 pm]

Poll #17642 Lolita
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Kurai versijai dod priekšroku?

View Answers

Stenlijs Kubriks (1962)
2 (40.0%)

Adrians Lains (1997)
3 (60.0%)

Visa šī grāmata, protams, ir metafora. "Not the corruption of an innocent child by a cunning adult, but the exploitation of a weak adult by a corrupt child." Šajā teikumā un visā grāmatā adult/Humbert = vīrietis un child/Lolita = sieviete. Nabokova izvēlētie personāžu vecumi ir tikai mārketinga triks.


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