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kamelåså zinfandel muzak [Oct. 4th, 2008|12:57 am]
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[garastāvoklis | bored]

Šis tas no Teksa Viljamsa - Never Trust A Woman un Smoke! Smoke! Smoke! (That Cigarette). Arizona Yodeler un I Left Her Standing There no Cackle Sisters. No Malvīnes Reinoldsas dziesma par mazo peli (Why not You and I?) un, pie velna, vēlreiz tā pati Little Boxes. Drosmīgajiem - Scotland the Brave, o, jā... Un nedaudz citās noskaņās - Aquarius un kaut kas no Minnijas Ripertones.


[User Picture]
Date:October 4th, 2008 - 08:32 am
Forši, liec vēl.