Varbūt tāpēc, ka ir novērots kopš seniem laikiem (skat. atsauces uz Sokrātu, Platonu u.c.), ka uz intelektuālajām vecumdienām ļaužiem sāk likties, ka ar pasauli nekas nav kārtībā un viss iet uz galu.
Varbūt lielā mērā tāpēc, ka viņi jūt, ka uz galu sāk iet viņi paši, bet tā jau ir spekulācija.
Jā, nu, kas ir savā ziņā neforši tamā, ka tieši Tumans to saka, ir vienkārši tas, ka viņam kā vēsturniekam taču it kā vajadzētu būt plašākam skatījumam. hink-the-world-is-going-to-hell-in-2016-i ts-actually-getting-better/
ISIS looks barbaric today, but it would hardly seem unusual even a century ago. To liberals, shredding the social safety net and enriching the plutocracy is indeed outrageous, but it pales in comparison to how things were in Europe for a thousand years. And to conservatives, Obamacare may smack of socialism, but contemporary government is nothing compared to centuries of European despotism and absolute authority — let alone the fascist regimes to which it is outrageously and offensively compared.
Varbūt lielā mērā tāpēc, ka viņi jūt, ka uz galu sāk iet viņi paši, bet tā jau ir spekulācija.
Jā, nu, kas ir savā ziņā neforši tamā, ka tieši Tumans to saka, ir vienkārši tas, ka viņam kā vēsturniekam taču it kā vajadzētu būt plašākam skatījumam.
ISIS looks barbaric today, but it would hardly seem unusual even a century ago. To liberals, shredding the social safety net and enriching the plutocracy is indeed outrageous, but it pales in comparison to how things were in Europe for a thousand years. And to conservatives, Obamacare may smack of socialism, but contemporary government is nothing compared to centuries of European despotism and absolute authority — let alone the fascist regimes to which it is outrageously and offensively compared.