[Mar. 22nd, 2019|07:37 pm] |
Tieši šobrīd ļoti gribas izzust pilnībā. Šo sajūtu es jutu pirms mēneša vītolu paēnā, bet šodien gribas stiprāk. Es zināju, ka šeit būs balkons jau pirms šeit ierados, es zināju arī to, ka es lūkošos pa logu. Es zināju, ka es stipri domāšu par šiem četriem teikumiem:
"Then I went back into the house and wrote, It is midnight. The rain is beating on the windows. It was not midnight. It was not raining." |
Comments: |
Lai nomierinātos, tās pašas Beketa triloģijas iepriekšējā grāmatā:
And on the threshold of being no more I succeed in being another.
lai nomierinātos vēl vairāk, jākļūst par santehniķi
From: | (Anonymous) |
Date: | April 4th, 2019 - 02:43 pm |
| | | (Link) |
“I DON’T KNOW when I died. It always seemed to me I died old, about ninety years old, and what years, and that my body bore it out, from head to foot. But this evening, alone in my icy bed, I have the feeling I’ll be older than the day, the night, when the sky with all its lights fell upon me, the same I had so often gazed on since my first stumblings on the distant earth. For I’m too frightened this evening to listen to myself rot, waiting for the great red lapses of the heart, the tearings at the caecal walls, and for the slow killings to finish in my skull, the assaults on unshakable pillars, the fornications with corpses. So I’ll tell myself a story, I’ll try and tell myself another story, to try and calm myself, and it’s there I feel I’ll be old, old, even older than the day I fell, calling for help, and it came. Or is it possible that in this story I have come back to life, after my death? No, it’s not like me to come back to life, after my death.”
Yes, Calmative. Vienunakt iztulkoju šito latviski, bet tas teksts no rīta izdzēsās. Paturu prātā.
Vispār, calmative pirmā rindkopa drusku atgādina to bulgāru čuvaku, kurš, iespējams, ir pazīstams kaut kādā mērā katram no mums, kurš nomira Fuldas ielās, tad tika pacelts ar helikopteru gaisā un atdzīvināts slimnīcā un atgriezās dzīvē lai: a) parūpētos par saviem trīs bērniem b) kļūtu par stāstītāju šajā Beketa stāstā, par balsi autora galvā. | |