koks - November 26th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 26th, 2014

[Nov. 26th, 2014|10:20 am]
Foršs rīts.

Tikai sabiedriskajā smirdēja pēc sūdiem.
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[Nov. 26th, 2014|02:16 pm]
"[..]Whether a flower in my hand or a gun in my hand, I'd give it all up for your hand in my hand.
For the sun on my skin as the morning begins, id die in the dark just to feel your skin on my skin.[..]"

King Charles dzied.
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[Nov. 26th, 2014|04:10 pm]
Tāds garīgais, ka gribas kaut ko sadauzīt.
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