Pirmdiena, 9. Feb 2009, 13:55
ak, nu kam man nav drauga taksidermista!

ja nu ko Walters Potters ļoti mīlēja, tad tas bija izbāzt un smuki izkārtot [tāds kā seconhand dievs sanāk?]. pirmo reizi viņš ķērās pie izbāšanas jaunībā 1840tajos. sāka ar paša kanārijputniņu, kurš kļuva par pirmo iemītnieku Waltera Museum of Curiosities, ko atvēra gan tik 1861. gadā Bramber ciemā, iekš West Sussex [traģiskā kārtā viss muzejs izsolēts un izvazāts pa pasauli, un kā runā skumji kāds - anglijā maz ticams, ka atgriezīsies jebkad..]

pēdējais ir šī burvīgā pantiņa iedvesmots [detaļas un vispār vairāka te]:

Who killed Cock Robin?

"I," said the sparrow, "With my little bow and arrow, I killed Cock Robin,"
Who saw him die? "I," said the fly, "With my little eye, I saw him die."
Who caught his blood? "I," said the fish, "With my little dish, I caught his blood."
Who'll make his shroud? "I," said the beetle, "With my thread and needle. I'll make his shroud."
Who'll carry the torch? "I," said the linnet, "I'll come in a minute, I'll carry the torch."
Who'll be the clerk? "I," said the lark, "If it's not in the dark, I'll be the clerk."
Who'll dig his grave? "I," said the owl, "With my spade and trowel I'll dig his grave."
Who'll be the parson? "I," said the rook, "With my little book, I'll be the parson."
Who'll be chief mourner? "I," said the dove, "I mourn for my love, I'll be chief mourner."
Who'll sing a psalm? "I," said the thrush, "As I sit in a bush. I'll sing a psalm."
Who'll carry the coffin? "I," said the kite, "If it's not in the night, I'll carry the coffin."
Who'll toll the bell? "I," said the bull, "Because I can pull, I'll toll the bell."
All the birds of the air Fell sighing and sobbing, When they heard the bell toll For poor Cock Robin.

Ceturtdiena, 12. Feb 2009, 09:19

ō, paldies! leļļu muzejs latvijā!?! forši!