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Posted by kochka on 2007.01.13 at 15:59"Isolation from such an environment is the first step in the unexplored territory of inner space… As man loses touch with his inner being he finds himself trapped in the world of consciousness that is to say the world of other people. “Man is a political animal” said Aristotle telling one of the greatest lies in human history. For every man has more in common with the hills and with the stars than with other men. Other men do not supply our values. Other men do not matter in the way we have believed. Man is not alone. You could be the last man in the universe and you would not be alone."
(tas saucas - slinkums tulkot). labi, čau. man tagad jāskrien.
(tas saucas - slinkums tulkot). labi, čau. man tagad jāskrien.