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Mar. 14th, 2019 | 11:50 pm
Bieži piefiksēju, ka arī dzīvē lielākoties gandrīz viss šķiet nereāls un svešs, it kā viss būtu aiz stikla sienas vai būtu iekāpusi tramvajā un vienkārši slīdētu visiem saviem dzīves notikumiem garām. Gulētejot bieži ir šis retoriskais jautājums - vai tā tiešām ir mana dzīve? Vai ar mani notiek viss tas, ko piedzīvoju?
Mazzy Star ir skaista un skumja dziesma par šādu pasaules izjūtu.
"Punctuated by a slow melodic guitar, this song tells the story of a woman who feels she is decaying and fading away into thin air, as if into dust. She explains to somebody how she feels that she and every other interaction she has with other people disappears into nothing."
Mazzy Star ir skaista un skumja dziesma par šādu pasaules izjūtu.
"Punctuated by a slow melodic guitar, this song tells the story of a woman who feels she is decaying and fading away into thin air, as if into dust. She explains to somebody how she feels that she and every other interaction she has with other people disappears into nothing."
(no subject)
date: Mar. 17th, 2019 - 11:16 am
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