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tuvredzība jeb miopija [18. Nov 2010|20:48]
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Myopia Causes… Is It Really The Eye?

... The truth is that the cause for myopia is not in your eyes at all. Your eye problem is merely a symptom of the cause. The real cause is psychological. And there are few psychological reasons, which we will cover over a serious of articles.

You see, our mind is so strong, that it can literally cause us to black out what we don’t want to see. In our mid to late teens or early twenties we are faced with the question what we want or should do with the rest of our life. But the concept of days in relationship to a life-time can’t be understood as yet, that only comes around by the time we are 40 – 50 years old (see “The Continuum Concept” by Jean Liedloff, p 43). How should we understand what we want to do every day of our life?

So when we are faced with the question what to do for the rest of our life, we get scared, and I mean real scared. But what does that have to do with myopia causes? Great question, hang in there.

How Does THAT Cause Myopia?

Humans in a state of fear get stressed. So stressed that our muscles become tense and tighten up. Now if that happens in our eye muscles, the muscles flatten out the eyeball, extending it like the zoom on a photo lens, and thereby altering the shape of the lens. The shape of the lens becomes stepper because the eyeball is filled with liquid and when it is squashed together, the extension causes a steeper shape of the lens.

Now putting glasses in front of the stressed eyes doesn’t solve the problem because we are still under stress, in a state of fear, and our eye muscles are still tight as. The glasses only help us to see into the distance, the very distance we didn’t want to see in the first place. So, as strong as our mind is, it just tightens the muscles a bit more, squeezes the eyeball further, and viola there is the next level of myopia, and you need new glasses.

This keeps going until you resolve the underlying reasons. Resolving the underlying reasons is much easier than wearing glasses, totally natural, cheap as chips in comparison to a life-time of paying for glasses, and you and your mind can get rid of myopia easily. Glasses on the other hand won’t cut it, they will just increase the tension over time, worsening your eyesight every so often.
The way to deal with your psychological causes for myopia is to do natural vision correction. That’s it!

Now the fear of the future is only one possible underlying cause for myopia, there are many more myopia causes, but the concept is always the same. Your mind is putting tension on the eye muscles, which extend the eyeball, and therefore alter the shape of the lens.

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