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[Jul. 28th, 2009|11:23 am]
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My heroes in life have always been the people who challenge themselves by refusing to always take the easier path. For example, the wife of a sumo wrestler who occasionally insists *he* be on top.
Tim H. Richweis

There can be only one "i" in "megalomaniac."
The Covert Comic

The magic isn't completely gone from my marriage, but it used to be like a ritzy Las Vegas show featuring David Copperfield and involving a cage full of tigers and a bevy of beautiful showgirls. Now it's more like Uncle Ernie's "Got your nose!" trick.

The Top Rejected Nobel Prize Categories

- Creation Science
- Special Award for Achievements in Commercial Fusion Power Generation
- Banking
- The Lamarckian Memorial "Seems Like a Good Theory, Too Bad It Isn't True" Prize
- Googling/Binging
- Achievement in Getting This Friggin' Computer Thingy to Friggin' Work!

The Top Things "BSOD" Really Stands For

- Bam! Stopped Operating! Dead!
- Barely Stable. Operate Delicately!
- Better Start the Old Digital
- Bill's Silly, Overpriced Delusion
- Brutal Shutdown Option Deployed
- Bill's Short On Developers
- Backup Soon Or Die
- Bill Skimped On Debugging
- Better Start Over, Dummy!
- Bill Says, "Oh Darn!"
- Broken Software. Option: Debian

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