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Calea zacatechichi is a medium sized shrub that has reportedly been used by the Chantal indians of Mexico as a hallucinogen. Its dried leaves are used before sleep to increase dreaming. Its effects are not well documented.

Heimia salicifolia is a perennial shrub with small narrow leaves and yellow flowers growing up to 1.5 meters. It has been identified as the Aztec hallucinogen "sinicuichi" though this fact is controversial. Sinicuichi is reported to be an auditory hallucinogen, but the effets of H. salicifolia are not well known.

One of the native cacti, Mammilaria craigii, has a long history of use in Mexico and is known from the Tarahumara as “wichuri” or “witculiki” (Bennet and Zingg 1935). Bruhn and Bruhn (1973) pointed out that this name was very peculiar as they discovered that the native term for crazy was, “wichuwa-ka.” The similarity in names is obvious and surely raised the question of how it was used. The plant is first roasted and the spines removed. Then the center is squeezed out, often into the ear. Ingestion of the plant by local shamans allowed them to ‘see’ into a person and find the demons that plagued any human (Bennet and Zingg 1935). The active compounds in this plant have been identified as N-methyl-3,4-dimethoxyphenethyl-amine (Bruhn and Bruhn 1973).

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