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Tā, tagad jums jāuzmin, par kuru latviešu mūzikas albumu ir šī nenormāli labā recenzija iekš Baltic Outlook:
"Meaty, beaty. big and bouncy Latvian pop music. X are a good example of that slightly quirky, slightly cheesy, slightly good and slightly crap music that Latvians excel at. There is a schlager-style oompapa at work throughout most of the songs, although it tries to disguise itself in ska-style riffs. The vocals are all very shouty, which is an unfortunate tendency in a lot of Latvian music. But, all in all, this is an inventive and almost infectiously enthusiastic album. A somewhat incongruos violin helps to thread the whole thing together and lends it a more distinctive sound. Best served with beer."
( )Anonīms- ehh.. šitajam cibiņam netīk anonīmie, nesanāks.
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