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Apr. 12th, 2012 | 01:55 pm
Dekarta references teorija zināmā mērā runā pretī duālismam, jo tā būtībā saka, ka ir saistība starp prātu un ķermeni
(laikam viņa gadījumā skaidrāk būtu otrādā secībā - starp ķermeni un prātu) tikai tā ir tāda veida saistība, kuru Dekarts atsakās saukt par ‘saistību’.
Vai tikai tā nav tā pati rietumnieku fīča par Ahileju un Bruņurupuci un distance starp prātu un ķermeni šeit ir 100 metri handikapa,
ko Ahilejs laipni piešķīra Bruņurupucim skrējiena sākumā?
Bet kur tad laiks? kustība “no” un “uz”?
Bet ko jūs par to domājat?
Reku viens gudrs puika raksta tā:
“Motion consists of exactly two and always two elements: Space AND Time. The objects Move from Here to There in various lengths of Time. Zenon of Elea only considers Space as defining motion. Zenon moves from here to there in NO time! Because there is NO time, Zenon's false reasoning eliminates the possibility of motion. That would be correct only and only if Mind could recreate reality. If a human, or mind, or any other object could recreate a "reality" where Time does not exist but only Space, Motion would not exist.
No single object, no single force can create or recreate reality. Reality is the result of random interaction of forces. Mind or reason cannot create reality; it is the other way around. Mind is part of reality alright; reality comes first, mind comes afterwards. The Sophists reacted to Heraclitus' ideas of change. Change meant beginning and ending, therefore death. The Sophists served the needs of the religion of their time - and all other times (eras). Humans don't want to die - period. Let us live forever by finding arguments proving no-change, therefore eternity, therefore immortality. Such metaphysics or philosophy wins in most popularity contests anywhere on Terra (or anywhere in the Universe, for that matter).” / /
(laikam viņa gadījumā skaidrāk būtu otrādā secībā - starp ķermeni un prātu) tikai tā ir tāda veida saistība, kuru Dekarts atsakās saukt par ‘saistību’.
Vai tikai tā nav tā pati rietumnieku fīča par Ahileju un Bruņurupuci un distance starp prātu un ķermeni šeit ir 100 metri handikapa,
ko Ahilejs laipni piešķīra Bruņurupucim skrējiena sākumā?
Bet kur tad laiks? kustība “no” un “uz”?
Bet ko jūs par to domājat?
Reku viens gudrs puika raksta tā:
“Motion consists of exactly two and always two elements: Space AND Time. The objects Move from Here to There in various lengths of Time. Zenon of Elea only considers Space as defining motion. Zenon moves from here to there in NO time! Because there is NO time, Zenon's false reasoning eliminates the possibility of motion. That would be correct only and only if Mind could recreate reality. If a human, or mind, or any other object could recreate a "reality" where Time does not exist but only Space, Motion would not exist.
No single object, no single force can create or recreate reality. Reality is the result of random interaction of forces. Mind or reason cannot create reality; it is the other way around. Mind is part of reality alright; reality comes first, mind comes afterwards. The Sophists reacted to Heraclitus' ideas of change. Change meant beginning and ending, therefore death. The Sophists served the needs of the religion of their time - and all other times (eras). Humans don't want to die - period. Let us live forever by finding arguments proving no-change, therefore eternity, therefore immortality. Such metaphysics or philosophy wins in most popularity contests anywhere on Terra (or anywhere in the Universe, for that matter).” / /
(no subject)
date: Apr. 12th, 2012 - 03:31 pm
Būs jāparunājas ar kādu gudrāku... Tik kur tādus atrast? Visi jau miruši, lol.
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