Back Decembris 2024
User: [info]juriic
Name: Juriic
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sūnas akmens laukā guļ mammas egles krusts ugunī zeļ
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oh my fucking god sopranos season three episode thirteen
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i have seen all the horrors.
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vajadzētu aizliegt nevis viendzimuma ģimenes, bet ģimenes, kur sieva ir stulba govs, vīrs negrib atrasties mājās un bērns katru dienu raud.
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people want to be seen, believed, valued.
my attention a needle-like beam streaming from the top of my nose. it feels intense, fast, warping my vision.. not vision, but how my vision feels, like a magnetic beam that goes through all things that make attention disperse, cuts through these things directly. it shines and smiles for everyone and to everyone. makes me go, warp and fly.
and it makes me feel - uncompromised. unyielding.
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ap bunkuru Mariupolē melnā ģērbušies kā vardarbīgas skudras lejās pāri un bunkurā iekšā. izved ārā vienu zaļā ģērbušos un tur pat pie ieejas ar rokām aiz muguras nošauj galvā, viņš nokrīt uz sāna un izasiņo uz vietas sarkanā peļķē.
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whenever I think a thought similar to "that person took my peace. this person made me jaded." it is not the other who took something away from me. it is me who took away from me; barred off a part of myself and made that other person responsible for it. because it is easier to hold others responsible than to be accountable for my thoughts and actions. the same with illumination or catharsis. if I find great enlightenment while in a church or 'speaking to god', I will credit this church or that god with this experience of absolution, thus actually giving it away instead of integrating it in my self. same if I was to bear a child and this gave me absolution and ultimate meaning of life, in great bliss I would love and cherish this child and from most perspectives this would seem pure, but from my inner truth I will have given the responsibility of my bliss to this child as a burden and a curse. I am my own worst pains and I am my own greatness.
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"redzu jūsos rasismu un seksismu, kas nāk no naida, aizvērtības, kas nāk no bailēm no tā ko jūs baidieties uzzināt. it kā tas jums kaut ko spētu pāri nodarīt. jūs esiet tumsā uz apli skrienoši dzīvnieki, bet tai pat laikā arī cilvēki. jums ir tiesības mīlēt un būt mīlētiem, uzzināt, piedot un tikt piedotiem, bet jums nav tiesību uzvelt citiem savu sāpju lepnumu, savu pasaules smaguma redzējumu un saukt to par vienīgo ceļu. jūs esiet idioti un neapzināti dariet pāri tiem, kurus jūs sakiet, ka mīliet. drosmi un brīvestību tiem, kuri atraduši vai rod ceļu, kurš ir nedalāms vairs. saraudzīt jums gaismu un sajust spēku kājās pie zemes, un mieru apziņā ka tumsa, kuru jūs vēršiet par gaismu ir viens vesels. amen."
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People don't like to be treated as children, old people, teachers, delivery drivers, kings or drunks. People like to be treated as people.

Galvu ārda: lose yourself to dance

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Man bija mašīna, kā maza neona laiviņa, kurai no augšas varēja noņemt vāku un iegulties tajā, un apsegties ar zilu želejas segu, tad uzlikt vāku un stūrēt, un viņa lidoja arī.