Back Novembris 2024
User: [info]juriic
Name: Juriic
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es gribu klausīties dobjā šalkoņā, nezinot no kurienes tā nāk.
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I shuddered at the awareness that I was no longer a normal human being. How on earth would I exist as a member of the human race with this heightened perception that we are each a part of it all, and that the life force energy within each of us contains the power of the universe? How could I fit in with our society when I walk the earth with no fear?
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i change people
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uz slapjiem liepziediem var baigi paslīdēt.
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es aliņu nesūcu, es viņu sūknēju.
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birzkops cirsis ruzulis zebņickis
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birzkops cirsis ruzulsis zebņickis
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alex voss was a drug dealer I think. he had a cow in his apartment and a mattress. I was him also, but I looked at him from third person perspective. there was a flight in space also somehow. like in EVE online. he was feared and shunned at the same time and noone would leave him in peace. he had a shaved and tattooed head. his cow had disappeared one day and there was a sense of desperation as he was searching for another. the cow gave drugs instead of milk I think. and then it turned all virtual like - his money became some crypto currency which he could only watch as it dwindled and became nothing. meanwhile his room was becoming more and more filled with books, then shelves of books which were all unstable and falling over as he tried to stabilize them.
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i have a pretty terrible theory.
that people living in Latvia are so traumatized and damaged that they don't even recognize courage and kindness when they see it.
obviously it's a generalization and there are exceptions, but the majority..
and I keep trying to disprove it, but it just keeps proving to be right.
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It is the same for a man to to try and forcefully take ownership of love as it is for a scientist to try and find what life is by murdering something.