15 Augusts 2009 @ 14:54
No more complete and thorough refutation of any theory could be desired  
Tā. Dž. E. Mūrs raksturo savu argumentu pret egoismu. To lasot es neticēju savām acīm:
"By no possible meaning, then, that can be given to the phrase that his own happiness is the ultimate rational end for himself can the Egoist escape the implication that his own happiness is absolutely good; and by saying that it is the ultimate rational end, he must mean that it is the only good thing – the whole of Universal Good: and, if he further maintains, that each man's happiness is the ultimate rational end for him, we have the fundamental contradiction of Egoism – that an immense number of different things are, each of them, the sole good".
Principia Ethica, 101. lpp.

Iespējams, ka šis varētu pretendēt uz Visu laiku sliktāko argumentu top 10. (Protams, komplektā ar lecīgo frāzi, ka neko pārliecinošāku pat vēlēties nevarētu)

Bernards Viljamss (Bernard Williams):
"Still less has any egoist the need to say that each man's happiness is severally the only good thing there is, an idiocy which it seems to have been left to Moore to ascribe to him".
Egoism and Altruism, 258. lpp.
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Avtonoms[info]junona on 20. Augusts 2009 - 10:57
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