"Hello, I am Doctor of Pholosophy and Associated professor of RSU (Riga Stradins University, Latvia) Institute of Rehabilitation, head of laboratory of Social research, assoc. prof. at Faculty of Rahabilitation, Supervisor of Doctor’s degree programme
In this site I have published my recent work "Contextual Problems of Sociological Research" to give information, exchange experience, and to find similarly thinking pieople. If you are interested to send a feeback or any other information, please contact me at andris_vilks@yahoo.co.uk."
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un noskaidro, vai esi "similarly thinking pieople"
p.s. Materiāls ir patiesi karsts, tāpēc lietot uzmanīgi!
In this site I have published my recent work "Contextual Problems of Sociological Research" to give information, exchange experience, and to find similarly thinking pieople. If you are interested to send a feeback or any other information, please contact me at andris_vilks@yahoo.co.uk."
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un noskaidro, vai esi "similarly thinking pieople"
p.s. Materiāls ir patiesi karsts, tāpēc lietot uzmanīgi!
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