14 Augusts 2009 @ 14:09
Tests: Vai tu esi "Similarly thinking pieople"?  
"Hello, I am Doctor of Pholosophy and Associated professor of RSU (Riga Stradins University, Latvia) Institute of Rehabilitation, head of laboratory of Social research, assoc. prof. at Faculty of Rahabilitation, Supervisor of Doctor’s degree programme
In this site I have published my recent work "Contextual Problems of Sociological Research" to give information, exchange experience, and to find similarly thinking pieople. If you are interested to send a feeback or any other information, please contact me at andris_vilks@yahoo.co.uk."

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p.s. Materiāls ir patiesi karsts, tāpēc lietot uzmanīgi!
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Avtonoms[info]junona on 14. Augusts 2009 - 22:51
Nav slikts arī šis:
"An important factor in policy of issuing textbooks is the publisher which is in an unenviable state: on one hand, he has to ensure the company’s financial side not to go bankrupt; on the other hand, he has to keep the interest about his area in the market. That is, if the publisher offers philosophy textbooks, doing it intensively is in his interest. That is why in cases when local authors are not productive enough and demand for their work decreases, the publisher seeks for opportunities to issue foreign works which often corrupt processes that have begun well. So this has happened to philosophy textbooks. Several works of foreign authors have been put on the market besides books by M. and R. Kulis and the author of this article, one of them being “Basics of philosophy” by Nigel Warburton (RaKa, 2001).

This book consists of 7 basic parts: “God”, “Good and Evil”, “Politics”, “Outside World”, “Science”, “Psyche” and “Art”. It is obvious that these chapters do not signify of a specifically philosophical approach, it seems that it is the complete opposite: philosophy is lost. This happens in all cases when the bond between philosophy and classical tradition is broken. The author states that “there is no undeniably significant chapter in this book. I am speaking of logics consciously left out from the topics investigated.”[1] But the question is a lot more complex. It does not matter that much whether there is a separate chapter for logics in the book or not. What matters more is whether the interpretation and layout of the work’s inner content is dominated by philosophical logics or not. This is the aspect determining the presence or absence of philosophy. In this particular case the situation is not pleasing; it could even be called sad: philosophy has lost its specifics, its boundaries distinguishing it from other mental areas. As a result, concepts stating philosophy is an area where anything what comes in one’s mind is fine are formed. It is enough with the teachers to swallow this bait to irreversibly devaluate the entire learning process."
Lieki teikt, ka pat Vorbertona grāmatas nodaļas nosaukumus kāds nav vīžojis paskatīties oriģinālā.
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helvetica[info]helvetica on 14. Augusts 2009 - 23:00
katru reizi, kas nākas sastapties ar šādiem cilvēkiem (viens tāds bija arī Kirkegora pasākumā), pārņem skumjums. Gluži kā tādas zivis, izmestas sauszemē. Veci ļaudis, tomēr..
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Avtonoms[info]junona on 14. Augusts 2009 - 23:14
Maz ka vecs. Šis ir arī plānprātīgs un nejauks. Pilns komplekts.
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