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Jul. 18., 2006 | 05:49 pm

Isaac Davis: But he was always a sucker for those kind of women... you know the kind that would involve him in discussions of existential reality, you know. They probably sit around on the floor with wine and cheese and mispronounce "allegorical" and "didactisism".

Tracy: I get the feeling that Yale really likes her.

Isaac Davis: Well... I'm old fashioned, I don't believe in extra-maritial relationships, I think people should mate for life, like pigeons or Catholics.

Tracy: I don't know...maybe people weren't meant to have one deep relationship, maybe we're meant to have series of relationships with different lenghts. I mean THAT kind of thing is gone out of date.

Isaac Davis: Don't tell me what's gone out of date - you're seventeen years old. You were brought up on drugs and television and the pill. I was World War II, I was in the trenches.

Tracy: You were eight in World War II.

Isaac Davis: That's right. I was never in the trenches. I was caught right in the middle. It was a very tough position.

Woody Allen. Manhattan (1979)

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Comments {20}


(bez virsraksta)

from: [info]jozefs_k
date: Jul. 19., 2006 - 03:23 am

Haosā ir kārtība. Hihi. Laikam man jāiet gulēt.

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(bez virsraksta)

from: [info]ljipa
date: Jul. 19., 2006 - 03:24 am

Es jau teicu - ;)

Tad jau - saldu dusu!

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(bez virsraksta)

from: [info]jozefs_k
date: Jul. 19., 2006 - 03:25 am

Njā, arlabunakti, meitēn.

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