putni galvā
putni galvā
- Kalderons de la Barka Zalameas tiesnesis
- 25.2.17 17:03
- Zalameas tiesnesis, lasīju angliski, adaptējis Adrians Mitčels, literārais tulkojums - Gvenda Pandolfi. Forma saturam netraucē. Tieša valoda, dzejas ritms saglabāts, lietas un parādības sauktas īstos un modernos vārds, gods par godu, izvarošana par izvarošanu, maukas par maukām un draņķi par draņķiem. Sižets/konflikts būvēts ap jēdzienu gods un goda sargāšanu. zemnieka gods pret augstmaņa godu, pret karavīra godu, pret sievietes godu - tiesa, uzskatījumu vajadzēja sākt ar sievietēm, jo viņas ir hierarhijas pašā apakšā. lugas beigās karalis spriež relatīvi taisnu tiesu, domāju, ka laikam, kurā autors dzīvoja, tas nebija acīmredzams iznākums. izvarotā un neapprecētā meitene, protams, aiziet klosterī.
atdzejojuma kvalitāte šeit:
Were I genteel, I'd not be yours
But live in luxury and state
With some wealthy magistrate
And never step outdoors.
I'am not genteel. I've teeth. I've claws
And I've decided that I'll go
To hell for you, Rebolledo.
And without grumbling. Why? I'am yours.
Don't fear for me. Just hope for us.
(1. cēliens, Čispa)
vai otrajā cēlienā:
All in one day the sun whirls up,
Lights the world, drops into the dark.
All in one day, kingdoms change hands,
Palaces are crushed into dusts.
All in one day a city's lost
Ang gloating victors flood its streets.
All in one day the ocean may
Be level and tumultuous.
All in one day, a man is born.
All in one day, a man must die.
And so, all in one day, my love,
May view the darkness and the light
As planets do. All in one day,
May love may rise, my love may fall,
Like an empire. All in one day,
My love may harbour animals,
Like a wood people wander through.
Tame and angry - like the ocean.
Glorious, ruinous - like war.
Love's mastered my passions and mind,
My life and death are in its hand.
(Kapteinis, 2. cēliens)
vai te:
It takes an instant for a spark
To set a great forest ablaze.
An instant: a volcano roars,
Overflows into an abyss.
An instant: lightening crashes down,
Totally, instantly destroying.
An instant horror flashes from
The black mouth of the iron cannon
So why can't love, which after all
Flares up in four distinctive ways -
Fire, volcano, lightening, cannon -
Burn, frighten, wound and devastate
(Kapteinis, 2. cēliens)
Viņš (de la Barkam) ir arī apbrīnojami poētisks un lirisks:
Sit down and listen: Can you hear?
See the breeze's gentle fingers
Stroke the tree-tops and the vines
And a thousand little leaves purr.
At the same time the fountain plays
Its silver zither strung with pearls,
Striking chords upon the pebbles
And the strings of climbing tendrils.
Pity our music's limited
To instruments, no vocalists,
Except the birds, and they insists
That they'll not sing once day has passed
And I can't force them to. Sit down.
the garden will help you to forget
Your continuous nagging pain.
(Krespo, 2.cēliens)
Oh, un, atcerējos tilu pūcesspieģeli, kad lasīju šo:
I've good reason to complain
Thirty years in bloody Flanders.
Thirty years of battles fought.
Thirty years of vicious weather -
Frozen in winter, soaked in spring
And in autumn, in the summer baked -
And in those thirty years
Hour have I known without this ache.
Imagine all that - if you can.
(Dons Lope, 2 cēliens)
Lugas ritms pārsteidzoši labs - nekā lieka, nekā stiepta. Ko, varbūt, nevar teikt par maniem citātiem.
Pārsteidzoši lieliska. Ļoti patika. De la Barka, saturies, es jau nāku. Tādas literatūras dēļ var arī spāniski mācīties.
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