Posted by [info]avatar on 2015.08.05 at 09:55
Uzņemamo personu atbilstību bēgļa statusam pārbaudīs PMLP un Drošības policija.

p.s. Kāpēc sievietēm un bērniem? Piemēram, Eritreja, no kurienes vairums nāk, kara nav, lai gan tā ir mazā Ziemeļkoreja tepat blakus - ar visu valsts organizēto piespiedu darbu, spīdzināšanas nometnēm, reliģisko vajāšanu u.tml.

No political opposition parties, independent
media, civil society organizations or
unregistered faith groups were permitted
to operate. There were severe restrictions
on freedom of expression and association.
Military conscription was compulsory, and
frequently extended indefinitely. Thousands
of prisoners of conscience and political
prisoners continued to be held in arbitrary
detention, in harsh conditions. Torture and
other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
was common. Eritreans continued to flee the
country in large numbers.


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