Posted on 2009.11.06 at 13:50


[info]iokaste at 2009-11-06 14:31 (Saite)
neko tādu: kaka, kaka, forši.. tur nesaskatīju kā dominējošo, pat aizmirsu.. drīzā jau tas bija stāsts par trauslo diedziņu, kuru sauc par draudzību.
a kas tas tāds - katarse?, kaukas no vonegūta?
[info]inese_tk at 2009-11-06 21:07 (Saite)
nee, katarse ir no Aristotelja -
in relation to the drama it generally refers to an emotional result that derives from strong feelings such as great sorrow, fear, pity, laughter, or any other extreme change in emotion; this result has traditionally been variously described as either a purification or a purging of such emotions.
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