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Coldplay - In My Place

In my place, in my place
Were lines that I couldn't change
I was lost, oh yeah

I was lost, I was lost
Crossed lines I shouldn't have crossed
I was lost, oh yeah

Yeah, how long must you wait for him?
Yeah, how long must you pay for him?
Yeah, how long must you wait for him?

I was scared, I was scared
Tired and underprepared
But I wait for you

If you go, if you go
Leaving me here on my own
Well I wait for you

Yeah, how long must you wait for him?
Yeah, how long must you pay for him?
Yeah, how long must you wait for him?

Please, please, please
Come on and sing to me
To me, me

Come on and sing it out, out, out
Come on and sing it now, now, now
Come on and sing it

In my place, in my place
Were lines that I couldn't change
I was lost, oh yeah
Oh yeah

cerībā, ka, ja ierakstīšu te to dziesmiņu, jamā beigs man ausīs skanēt un indēt dvēseli...
Oma: apathetic
Skan: nu protams - Coldplay
Date: 24. Marts 2003 - 15:26
izdevaas? =)
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Date: 24. Marts 2003 - 15:32

nee, sasodiic!!!!
vai kaadam nav kaada recepte, kaa dabuut dziesmu no galvas aaraa????
Date: 24. Marts 2003 - 15:36

iegruzies kaadaa citaa coldplay dziesmaa =)
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Date: 24. Marts 2003 - 15:38

jaa jaa! vislabaakaas zaales pret saaposhu galvu - salauzt kaaju, galvassaapes pazudiis kaa nebijushas...
Date: 24. Marts 2003 - 15:42
nu apmeeram... =)
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Date: 24. Marts 2003 - 15:46
nu paldies, nomierinaaji :)
mazliet humaanaak veida nav?
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Date: 24. Marts 2003 - 16:08
Nu, liels paldies Tev...
tagad tā dziesma skandinās arī manā galvā :(
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Date: 24. Marts 2003 - 16:29

varbuut, ja pielips veel kaadiem 10, es tikshu valjaa :)))
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Date: 25. Marts 2003 - 09:51
axa gluzhi kaa filmaa the ring :) just make a copy
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